Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Passing thoughts, passing sunny days....

So, the last few days it has become clear that winter is very much upon us. While I do love the changing seasons, winter is not my favourite. It’s mainly the snow…too much snow. And because I’ve been riding a bike all summer, it breaks my heart to part with my two wheels for the next few months. But I do love the clear brisk nights, when it’s too cold to walk but too beautiful to ignore. The sparkling sight tempts me out of my hibernation. I have continued cycling to school and around town, clinging tightly to the days of snow free roads. Last night they were quite slippery, but I felt much safer on my bike than walking down the sidewalk. I am certain that one day I will throw out my hip while slipping on an icy walkway.

I am always curious about people’s sceptical looks when I ride around town or when I board the elevator with my two-wheeled beauty. When it’s raining, I feel as if their eyes are telling me I’m “nuts”. Like tucking up under an umbrella, sheltering myself from the elements, will protect me from the scary world outside. Advising me that “it’s getting slippery out there” will keep my two wheels indoors, “safe and sound”.

Oh, how the projection of their fears is very evident. I will not lie, it takes some time to get use to the feeling of riding alongside fast, often speeding vehicles. I’m still extremely cautious of cars turning right; they are never expecting you, even if they passed a mere 10 seconds before. But I love the feeling of riding. Being able to observe, not just in sight, but in sound and smell, what is happening as I travel through the city. It’s an uplifting, freeing feeling…a sense that whatever trouble comes my way is insignificant. I wish everyone could feel what I feel when I ride. I wish I could feel it a little longer.

Oh snowy days. You are both loved and hated.

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